Top 5 Reasons You Need a Portrait Session! | Bradenton Portrait Photographer

Ladies, this one's for you! I'm here to tell you the Top 5 Reasons you need (and deserve) a Portrait Session right now! But before we dive in, what IS a portrait session? Well unlike a family session, an engagement session, or any of the other sessions we offer, a Portrait Session is ALL ABOUT YOU! We'll get you out in front of the camera in a location that suits your personality, we'll talk through your wardrobe choices, we'll walk you through the choice of Fierce vs. Flirty vs. Fun, and we'll help you find the poses that flatter your body and make your pictures speak the message that you want them to share. Your portraits can be casual, flamboyant, artistic, wild, romantic, poetic, sexy, subtle, angelic, the possibilities are as endless as your imagination! These sessions usually start with a long chat on the phone or over a cup of coffee where we begin shaping the details of your session based off of your vision, goals, and personality, and combining them with our creativity and experience. They end with a fabulous collection of images that you'll treasure and embrace for a lifetime! So what are the Top 5 Reasons that you need to contact us to make an appointment for a Portrait Session today? Read on and we'll share them with you!!
#1 It's one of the most empowering things you'll ever do!

Standing there in front of the camera by yourself can take guts, I'll admit it. But proving to yourself that you can do this, that you can do ANYTHING, and walking away knowing that you rocked your session is worth more than any picture! It's nerve wracking at first, standing there, all eyes on you, but your photographer is going to be your behind the scenes helper, and the biggest, greatest cheerleader you've ever had. I'll help you with where to be, how to pose, and answer that age old question of "what do I do with my hands???" The sun here, and an off camera flash there, a little tilt of that head to make your beautiful eyes pop, and BAM! The perfect shot! You'll know when it happens. You'll see my eyes go wide, and I'll let out a giggle or a gasp as I tell you how amazing you are... and you might not believe me at first, but when I turn the camera around and give you a glimpse of the magic we just created, you'll know you can do anything! You'll leave with a smile on your face that will last for weeks or more, and feeling like you're ready to take on the world!
#2 Portrait Sessions are a great exercise in self care and help you embrace the beauty of who you are!

When was the last time you looked in the mirror just to tell yourself how beautiful you are? Seriously ladies! We're usually much more busy pointing out to ourselves just how imperfect and flowed we are. "These jeans make my hips look wide," "If only I could get rid of this baby weight," "I wish I was taller," "ugh, all those wrinkles!" We're our own worst enemy. Having a Portrait Session is a great and important way to remind yourself of just how beautiful you are! No, I'm not going to shave off 15 pounds, or get rid of those wrinkles, this is about so much more than that. You are beautiful the just the way you are, RIGHT NOW. Not 10 pounds ago, not 5 yeas ago, not once you loose a little weight. Right here. Right now. You. Are. Beautiful! And not just on the outside either! We're going to work together to make sure that your amazing personality bubbles out of these pictures in every direction! Let's show the world, and remind our selves, who we really are!
#3 You'll be treating the most generous person you know to the gift they deserve!

You're a woman, and chances are, that means you're a giver. You give your all at work to make sure you stand out and make your team proud. You give to your partner, you love them and you sacrifice to show them your love. You give to your kids, you give them everything you have, and probably lots of things you don't have, but you make it happen, because you're super mom and that's just what you do. You give to your friends, you give to your neighbors, you give give give to everyone around you, because that's who you are, and everyone loves you for it. But aside from last month's pedicure, when was the last time you did something for yourself. Something to remind you just how important, special, and unique YOU are? Ladies, it's time to do something for yourself, something you deserve. Let us pamper you with a portrait session that will not only make you feel special today, but let you hold on to that feeling for a lifetime!
#4 It can make the perfect gift for your partner!

Yes, Portrait Sessions are great for you in oh so many ways, but you're not the only one who's going to love these pictures. An intimate Boudoir Portrait Session can make a priceless gift for your partner or spouse. For your wedding, Valentines Day, your anniversary, or just because it's time to spice things up a little, I promise that you-know-who is going to LOVE these pictures! We can come to your home while he's away, head out to an isolated spot in nature, or rent a room at a hotel or bed and breakfast to create the right setting! We can even have these images made into a little black book to create the perfect present. And don't worry, our lips are sealed! We'll never reveal these images publicly without your blessing. It'll be our little secret.
#5 Your family will finally stop asking you for an updated picture!

You know that you're mother has been wanting an updated picture for the last 5 years, and the ones from your cell phone just aren't cutting it. How do you know your mother has been wanting this? Because she tells you. Constantly! Maybe it's your father, your grandmother, or maybe even your kids, but if your life is like mine, SOMEONE is ALWAYS asking. Let us help satisfy that monkey-on-your-back. We guarantee they'll be thrilled with the results and will FINALLY stop asking you for pictures. least for the next few years, and by then you'll be ready to treat yourself to another fantastic Portrait Session with Sandhill Photography!
If these Top 5 Reasons haven't convinced you that you DO in fact need and deserve a Portrait Session, then we don't know what else we can tell you.
Contact us for an Appoint today to book a session you'll never regret!
At Sandhill Photography, it's our pleasure to capture all the most special moments in your life. We offer Engagement Sessions, Wedding Photography Packages, Maternity Sessions, and Family Photography. We are based in Bradenton Florida, and service the Sarasota, Tampa, and St. Pete areas. Photographer Emma-Rose would love to help you capture memories to last a lifetime. Book your Photography Session today with Sandhill Photography and don't let another one of life's amazing moments pass you by!